Divorced, Separated, and Multiple Caregiver Agreement

Effective Date: July 1, 2024

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For the purposes of this policy, divorced or separated parents, as well as multiple adult caregivers, guardians, etc., are referred to as "the caregiver(s)."

Brightline is committed to providing high quality behavioral and mental health services to our children, adolescent youth and and their families. Our primary concern is the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of the child(s) or adolescent(s) (collectively “child”, “children” or “members”). The best treatment for children is for the child to be viewed within the context of their family and to involve all active and engaged caregivers to create the most significant change. We appreciate that child(ren) with divorced or separated parents may present unique considerations, and we require parents to work with us through those considerations and circumstances. This policy was developed to avoid any misunderstandings going forward in the care of members.

Please Note:

Outside of court orders, our providers and staff are not party to, nor will they become involved in, any legal proceedings involving the families of our members, including, but not limited to, proceedings regarding divorce, separation, or custody issues.

Please read this policy so that you are aware of our expectations and limitations:

  1. For all members under the age of 18 (except in the case of mature minors seeking care without the involvement of caregivers per their state law), Brightline requires the completion of this consent as an addendum to the Informed Consent for Brightline Services & Member Services Agreement form.  In order to authorize mental health treatment for your child, you must be the child’s legal guardian. While we strongly encourage the consent of all legal guardians, we do not require it. However, if we become aware of a dispute between the parties regarding our provision of services to the child, we will encourage a session visit with all parties in attendance to discuss the benefits and/or potential complications with the contested treatment, as well as the risk of non-treatment (why care might be in the best interest of the child), and work toward an agreeable course of treatment. If parties remain in opposition, Brightline will honor that decision to end care, unless there are extraordinary circumstances. However, in most cases, we will ask that you allow Brightline the option of having a few closing sessions with your child to appropriately end the treatment relationship.

  2. We request that divorced/separated parents of minor children provide us with documentation of your court-ordered or court approved custody arrangement. If you fail to provide us with such documentation, we will assume that you share legal custody and both parties consent to care. Brightline employees will not interpret or explain parenting plans, divorce decrees, or family court orders.  

  3. Brightline welcomes the involvement of bonus parents, siblings, grandparents, chosen family and other persons, but participation in care and access to professional communication will be determined based on the child's needs, the guardians' wishes, previously granted permission to communicate with non-guardian parties, and the family's particular circumstances. In order to involve any of these parties in care, appropriate permission must be granted via our Release of Information form.

  4. Our providers and staff will treat your child and share information based on state law and guidance from their respective professional licensure boards, as applicable.

  5. When parents share legal custody, both parents are unilaterally permitted to (i) schedule, attend, and cancel appointments; (ii) give consent to treatment; (iii) authorize other adults to attend sessions with the child.

  6. A parent with sole legal custody is also independently permitted to take all of the actions listed in Paragraph 5 of this policy.

  7. Unless prohibited by current court order or applicable state or federal law, the Brightline will ensure both parents have access to the child’s medical record. 

  8. Subject to a signed Release of Information, Brightline’s providers will cooperate with other professionals by providing information as appropriate. The priority of the provider shall be to preserve confidentiality and the ability to continue working in a healing relationship with the child and family. 

  9. Brightline will attempt to involve all legal guardians in the child's care except in the following circumstances:

    • Cases of abuse or serious impairment on the part of the guardian;

    • Where restricted by court-ordered or court approved custody arrangement, parenting plan or other legal restriction;

    • When the involvement would be detrimental to the child's mental health or would interfere with the child's treatment.

  10. A parent without legal custody does not have the right to any involvement in the child’s care, unless the parent who has sole legal custody authorizes, in writing, the other parent’s involvement.

  11. It is not our responsibility, nor the responsibility of individual providers, to communicate with each parent separately. To provide the best care of your child, we strongly encourage all parents to be involved and attend appointments when legally appropriate. Under no circumstances will our providers or staff act as liaisons between parents who can’t communicate civilly. Parents who are unable to communicate civilly with each other about their child’s health care should consult their attorney about whether to seek additional orders from the court.  

  12. We will send reminders of upcoming appointments by email and/or text. We can send this reminder to only the primary phone number listed on the child’s account. The parent or guardian that registers for an account will be the chart guarantor and therefore receive these reminders. It is the responsibility of the parents to communicate with each other regarding their children’s medical and behavioral care, such as appointment dates, care plans, recommendations, and other pertinent information. Our providers will not call the non-attending parent during or following visits. Please make decisions regarding appointments and care planning prior to appointments. 

  13. Payments, including copays, deductibles, coinsurance or any additional fees charged by your insurance, are due at the time of service, regardless of which parent is responsible for medical expenses. If the custody arrangement or divorce decree requires the other parent to pay all or part of the treatment costs, it is the attending parent’s responsibility to collect from the other parent. You must notify Brightline of changes in address or payment methods, including changes in the child’s health insurance.

  14. We do not voluntarily participate in any legal proceedings. We will not communicate with a patient's attorney and will not write or sign letters, affidavits or reports to be used in a patient's legal matters. We will not provide testimony or patient records unless compelled to do so. If you become involved in legal proceedings that require our participation, you will be expected to pay for all of our professional time, including preparation and transportation costs, even if we are called to testify by another party.

  15. If there are any changes in the status of legal guardianship/parent status, you understand that it is your responsibility to promptly notify Brightline of any such changes and provide any related documentation to support these changes.  

  16. If we feel that any of the above mentioned items are not being followed, have been misrepresented, or become an issue for our staff or serve as an impediment to properly caring for your child(ren), we reserve the right to discharge the family from care at Brightline.