By Brightline, Jan 7, 2025
A new year is here! It can arrive with lots of feelings. You might experience hope, joy, and excitement. You might also be worried about things to come or sad for what’s gone. All of this is natural — and it can be what your child is feeling, too.
Depending on how old they are, your child might not have the words (or the desire) to tell you what they’re going through. But you’ll sure see it in their behaviors. They might need extra sleep, more encouragement than usual, or have outbursts over “little” things. (You might, too!)
This year, give yourself permission to let go of any “new year, new you” pressure. What if you took a “new year, same wonderful you” approach instead? Sure, there are skills you and your child are working on, and lots of learning ahead. And you’ll get there. But by just being here, you’re already doing one right thing.
A helpful mantra to remember as you stack those wins up is progress over perfection. And speaking of a focus on progress, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is this month. Families everywhere are inspired by the peaceful way he fought for progress by speaking against things like segregation and discrimination.
Dr. King’s values and legacy can help kids and caregivers accept themselves and others. Here are a few simple examples of how his approach can be applied to real life today:
The power of words: Even when you or your child feels frustrated, finding and using your words (rather than giving into anger) can help you feel understood. And using your words to acknowledge what your child is doing well can be powerful, too.
You are not your behavior: Big tantrums and bad tempers happen. But that behavior isn’t who you are or who your child is. So, consider that you don’t need to change the person. Work instead to improve the behavior (and the reactions to them).
Lead with love: Your child (and you!) are worthy of love, no matter what. This year, even among the blow ups and meltdowns, prioritize saying “I love you” for an all-around feel-good boost.
You’re standing in front of 365 days of opportunity. Every day — every moment brings a fresh chance to try again. And every skill your child learns is one they will hold onto forever. That sounds like something to look forward to, doesn’t it? Here’s to filling this year’s clean slate with memories, lessons, and growth.