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How Brightline Supports LGBTQ+ Youth with Inclusive Care

Child reading book on couch
Brightline Logo Mark Orange
Brightline team

Jun 26, 2024

Brightline delivers culturally-inclusive care to kids, teens, and families

Every child needs safe spaces, guidance from the adults in their life, and loving support. Kids who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community are no exception. In fact, because of the challenges some of these kids may face — including bullying, discrimination, and violence — their unique needs can be even greater.

Stress, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation are just some of the mental health concerns that many LGBTQ+ kids experience on a daily basis. Ensuring access to coaches, therapists, and psychologists who provide gender-affirming, diverse, and informed healthcare is vital to LGBTQ+ youth. 

Kids who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community have less access to mental health care from providers who look like — or live like — they do. 

When families with LGBTQ+ kids do find care, it’s often riddled with cultural stigma, provider bias, misunderstandings, and a lack of cultural competency. Some kids are trying to navigate intense feelings and situations that involve rejection, isolation, and fear. They can’t do it on their own — and they shouldn’t have to.

45% of LGBTQ+ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year

60% of LGBTQ+ youth who wanted mental health care in the past year were not able to get it

86% of US psychologists have little to no training in culturally-inclusive care

Part of Brightline’s commitment to standing with the LGBTQ+ community includes ensuring we are providing inclusive, identity-centered care. One of the ways we do that is by mandating clinician training with Violet, an analytics and training platform that helps companies provide culturally-competent care. 

Violet understands the unique challenges that marginalized communities face. They also know that being qualified to provide tailored, high-quality care doesn’t just come from lived experience. As such, Violet takes into consideration a variety of other factors when training clinicians. They use those factors to give each clinician a tailored learning pathway that includes facts and figures, along with opportunities to cultivate self-reflection and humility. Brightline partners with Violet to offer ongoing upskilling and team training as well, which enhances continued growth and our commitment to building health equity.

As a result of this partnership and the real-time data gathered, 99% of our clients receive identity-centered care coordination. And 74% of our clinicians report a greater ability and higher self-confidence when working with diverse populations. This approach has also driven improved patient retention rates, better health outcomes, and more efficient care team skills management.

As the number of kids and teens who identify as LGBTQ+ increases, the more we know about what helps (and what harms) them. Brightline’s continued partnership with Violet ensures every child, teen, and family who comes to us for personalized support finds a safe space where they feel seen, are heard, and know they belong.